Subsidy for software development.

With WeCreate, we developed a subsidy platform for capturing and auditing the entire subsidy process.
Portal for all subsidy files

The Subsidy Portal has been created to manage and monitor subsidies in the food industry. In each dossier, participants are registered, and a detailed cost justification is made. The subsidy portal facilitates easy uploading of invoicing and participation documents. Security is of great importance, and as such, specific data is stored encrypted.

With the aim of catering to different users, efforts have been made to create a user-friendly backend application. This application takes into account multi-tenancy, making it ready for future expansions with new subsidy processes. This highlights the strength of custom subsidy software development, which enhances the unique capabilities of WeCreate.

WeCreate Consulting
Van 2022 tot heden

Subsidie portal, Laravel, Livewire, Tailwind.

Jurjen Terpstra

“Pragmatic and flexible collaboration”

Spartner has created a customized portal for us for the accountability of large-scale collaborative projects. This enables us and our partners to execute and account for their plans in a shared environment that is secure, transparent, and manageable. The pragmatic and flexible collaboration with Spartner has ensured that we have quickly achieved a functional and user-friendly environment.

Jurjen Terpstra Managing Partner at Wecreate Consulting

About our client:
WeCreate Consulting.

WeCreate Consulting operates at the intersection of social and technological innovations. We assist our clients in securing funding for change, connecting stakeholders for project development, and supporting implementation and execution at the operational level.

With expertise in three crucial areas—People & Organization, Innovation, and Financing—WeCreate Consulting supports organizations in achieving desired change and improving their entrepreneurship. Thanks to our unique, customised approach and dedicated team, we are able to make a positive impact for our clients and their stakeholders.

Jurjen Terpstra

“Pragmatic and flexible collaboration”

Spartner has created a customized portal for us for the accountability of large-scale collaborative projects. This enables us and our partners to execute and account for their plans in a shared environment that is secure, transparent, and manageable. The pragmatic and flexible collaboration with Spartner has ensured that we have quickly achieved a functional and user-friendly environment.

Jurjen Terpstra Managing Partner at Wecreate Consulting

Technology of the subsidy software.

For the technologist, here is the technical explanation. In this subsidy software, we utilized the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) for the backend and a TALL stack (Tailwind, Alpine.js, Laravel, Livewire) for the frontend. These technologies are well-suited for custom subsidy software development as they provide a powerful combination of out-of-the-box functionalities without compromising on custom subsidy logic.

Due to the varying complexity of the UX/UI, we opted for a hybrid frontend solution with both Blade and Livewire pages. Livewire was used to implement all interactive components, such as dashboards and registration pages, allowing us to develop components with complex interactions and user experience. Simpler pages and forms, such as user profiles and password changes, were created using standard Blade views. This hybrid approach maximises flexibility in the subsidy software's UX/UI and reduces costs in frontend development.

Feel like a cup of coffee?

Whether you have a new idea or an existing system that needs attention?

We are happy to have a conversation with you.

Call, email, or message us on WhatsApp.

Bart Schreurs
Business Development Manager

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